
Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?  George Casey

The Valuable Habit of Learning
from Your Business Experiences

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General Patton is quoted saying that he hated paying for the same real estate twice. Individuals and organizations should feel the same about the lessons learned from their business experiences; both successes and failures. 

The habit of individuals and organizations to take their lessons learned, apply them regularly, and pass the lessons on to others is a critical factor in career and organizational success. 

"Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?" takes thirty lessons from the author's business experiences that have general applicability across most business environments. Alone, these lessons are a must reading for beginning and middle managers in their quest to learn business lessons that should be taught in business schools. The author makes the case that the extraction of these lessons from everyday business experiences is a habit that can and should be developed. 

Each chapter has an exercise for the reader, or a group convened by the reader, that enables the thought process that leads to the creation of the learning-from-daily-experience habit. The use of memorable phrases, oftentimes humorous, is a key element in making lessons easy to pass on for long periods of time. The lessons that attach to these phrases are set forth in quick, easy to read chapters. 

Written in a mentoring, conversational, and easy style, this is no academic tome. However, the lessons given and techniques taught are worthy of a good semester course at any business school.

Articles: "By George!"

Professional Afiliations

Peer Advisory Boards for CEOs and Business Owners

George Casey, Vistage Chair for Maine and New England, mentors business leaders to help them reach their personal and business goals. More>>>

Housing Innovation Alliance

Under George Casey’s guidance, the  Housing Innovation Alliance has become the collaboration hub for large residential builders and developers. More>>>