
Vistage Peer Advisory Board - Maine and New England

In addition to his consultancy business, Stockbridge Associates Principal, George Casey, also serves as the Chair of three Vistage private peer advisory groups: two serve Chief Executive Officers and business owners in Southern Maine and New Hampshire and one serves Key senior executive of companies based in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Vistage is a leading business advisory and executive coaching organization that has been helping high integrity CEOs, business owners and executives transform and improve their businesses, personal lives, and communities for more than 60 years.

As a Vistage Group Chair, George leverages his 40+ years of experience in executive leadership and consultancy to guide local business leaders through growth and change periods using the collective wisdom and experience of the group to help members make better decisions.

Lead a Life of Climb

In addition to facilitating monthly group meetings for the peer advisory board, George meets individually with each executive in the group. The one-on-one meetings with George each month allow board members to dig deep into the challenges and opportunities they currently face. Drawing on his many years of experience, George guides each executive through critical decision-making and business transformations, while developing a personal rapport with each board member that often reaps rewards for years to come.
See www.vistage.com for more information on Vistage.

How Vistage Impacts Business Owners

With 23,000 members in 20 countries, Vistage brings together business leaders who value excellence over ego. Vistage provides members with the resources, relevant research, and insight and perspective needed to make wise and fruitful decisions. Vistage helps executives become better leaders, make better decisions and earn better results.

Through its peer advisory board membership model, Vistage members can access the valuable, real-world advice and perspective of their Chair, who acts as business coach, advisor and mentor. The Chair ensures that members remain accountable and committed to the goals they wish to reach, ultimately offering the insight and knowledge executives need to improve and transform their businesses and lives.

Some of the benefits of Vistage membership include:

  • Increased profitability and upward trends
  • Access to a real-world education and development program built on experience
  • Increased decision making and crisis management skills
  • Knowledge of industry best practices
  • Strategic planning and operational guidance
  • Structured accountability
  • Broadening of critical thinking abilities and business management expertise
  • Access to Vistage’s Research Center

What Vistage Members say ....

George is a very skilled leader with great analytical skills. He is a big believer in communicating to all parties what have "an oar in the water".

George is very knowledgeable and insightful in all aspects of production homebuilding and has consistently demonstrated the ability to translate his analytical skills into process oriented results.

He very effectively communicates goals and objectives that his reports can translate into actionable business plans. George is also very approachable as well as a true "players" coach.

Bob Zweier, President, Saussy Burbank

It is with great pride that I recommend George Casey. George continues to be a mentor to me and I regularly conclude my days with questions of reflection, and challenges for tomorrow, that I know George would ask of me.

George’s leadership style makes him extremely accessible to all levels of the organization. His approach to real estate is creative and visionary. He was able to utilize his experiences to formulate strategies that helped our organization emerge from reorganization.

John Evans, President, Pulte Group

George Casey has become my guiding light.

His wisdom, candor and ability to simplify complex situations is uncanny. He inspires me to be a better person both personally and professionally and to apply solid principles and values to my business and my everyday life.

I look forward to his ongoing support for years to come.

Bob Smith, Sebasco Resorts, Phippsburg

Vistage create an environment where I could learn and grow as a leader and reinforced for me the strengths I bring to my company. It has given me insights on my leadership style and has pushed me to be more effective and more focused.

Through my monthly meetings with the Vistage group and with my Chair (George Casey), my business acumen and strategic focus has accelerated significantly.The investment of time and resources is small compared to the ROI.

George (Casey) has given me the skills and knowledge to me a much better CEO and leader. He taught me how to balance my work schedule to become more productive. He is a mentor, a tough-love coach, and a business genius. He builds on your strengths and asks the tough questions. He truly shapes you into becoming the most effective leader you can be.

June Koegel, CEO, Volunteers of America-Northern New England

We have known George for over 20 years, after searching him out to collaborate with our company, IBACOS, due to his unmatched industry experience, expertise and passion for housing. Over the years, he has advised both both of us and our executive leadership team from strategic and financial performance perspectives.

His positive attitude, brilliant mind, ego-less stance, and straightforward desire to create business value for his clients is unmatched!

Mark Tilley, Co-Founder and CEO, IBACOS

George was invaluable in helping to establish BuildIQ as a new company in the digital knowledge space within the U.S. homebuilding industry. He provided tremendous strategic insight from a production homebuilder executive’s point of view, which helped us define and develop our offering. He guided the new company’s evolution – and coached me in my CEO role – as an active member of BuildIQ’s Board of Directors.

Michael Dickens, CEO, BuildIQ Inc.

Vistage brings together a diverse group of owners and CEOs with similar challenges and opportunities for growing and managing their businesses in today’s corporate culture. 

I have found both our meetings with the entire group and personal 121’s with George always relevant and pertinent to my business situation. Vistage provides in-depth issues processing combined with proven strategic planning advice. 

George is an excellent facilitator and keenly identifies areas for improvement and helps keep us all on task.

Rick Conant, RLC Engineering

George came in to Thrive to help me lead our people and our company to higher levels of performance. While we will always strive for improvement his impact on our company has led to dramatic improvements. George is now a Thriver, he is one of us.

If you are trying to take your company to a higher level, George will help you get there. Thrive is a much better company today than when he first started working with us. I consider him a trusted advisor and a friend who is willing to tell you what you NEED to hear.

Gene Myers, President, Thrive

George and his company have been a tremendous asset to us at Princeton Communities, LLC. The knowledge he has been able to provide through real life experiences and examples not only provided us with a wealth of information, but allowed us to think about investing and planning in new and exciting ways.

George helped us streamline our operations by drilling down on important issues while quickly moving from concept to conclusion of our projects, the effects of which we see directly in our bottom line. Many of his suggestions for improvement have been implemented in our day to day operations, with truly amazing results. I will not hesitate to continue to rely on the George and his team at Stockbridge Associates in the future as Princeton Communities continues to grow with their expert guidance and assistance.

Jeff Cernuto, President of Princeton Communities in Mooresville, NC.

A Community Like No Other ....

Vistage brings together executive leaders and business owners who are focused on and committed to identifying opportunities for growth and improvement, both professionally and personally. The honest feedback and support that comes out of monthly meetings allows members to feel confident as they make crucial decisions and formulate strategies for the future.

Vistage members are people who want to give back to their professions, communities and fellow business leaders. They possess valuable insight and perspective that can help fellow business leaders navigate complex issues, better understand industry best practices and ultimately become better leaders.

Learn More About Vistage and George Casey

To learn more about George Casey,  Vistage executive coaching and how we can help increase your business’ profitability, call us at 207-869-5491 or email info@stockbridgeassoc.com.

Articles: "By George!"

Professional Afiliations

Peer Advisory Boards for CEOs and Business Owners

George Casey, Vistage Chair for Maine and New England, mentors business leaders to help them reach their personal and business goals. More>>>

Housing Innovation Alliance

Under George Casey’s guidance, the  Housing Innovation Alliance has become the collaboration hub for large residential builders and developers. More>>>